Changing Tenant Screening Legislation: Protection for Property Managers

Posted by: TheGuarantors on September 1, 2022

Tenant screening laws provide guidelines that serve to protect both tenants and property managers. These statutes help protect both the property and its owner from unscrupulous or unqualified renters. But the legislation as a whole is in constant flux.

It’s important to keep up with changing tenant screening legislation and what property managers can do to protect themselves against defaulting renters.

When considering new tenants, property managers are expected to honor the seven protected classes of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, namely:

  1. Race
  2. Color
  3. Religion
  4. Ethic background
  5. Gender
  6. Familial status
  7. Mental or physical disability

However, the new ordinances coming into effect across the country require property owners to change other screening criteria they may have previously used.

For example, Senate Bill 291 in Oregon recently stated that managers can no longer use the holding of a medical marijuana card to deny housing. Plus, there are certain areas of a candidate’s eviction history that are completely off limits.

But the changes are not just happening in the Northwest. Changes to screening legislation are coming into effect across the country. So, it’s important to stay updated on any housing policy changes in your state.

How does this impact property managers?

Property managers proven to have denied residence to applicants on the above grounds could face financial penalties.

What can property managers do to protect themselves?

With products like Lease Guarantee, you can protect your rental income in the event that a renter defaults or stops paying rent. That way you can feel confident about your screening process and ensure that you’ll be made financially whole if your renter has a financial hardship.


These latest legislative shifts showcase how important it is for property managers to stay up-to-date with residential laws. They also signal the importance of insurance products like those offered by TheGuarantors, which increase access to homes for renters while ensuring the best protection for property managers, taking the stress and worry out of renting for all parties involved. Visit our website today and start raising your renting game.